Thursday, January 1, 2009

a futile be goes then comes


finish line breath of time beginning of time rhyme

just enough filled enough filed thoroughly

choose your image personality core start end brain box yourself in

however you choose religion ego death astrology laws notes beauty plastic

glass box close off parts of my brain no time for those silly doubts

in this boxed world i created glass box see out but cant reach

thought think limited dead end recirculated redirection scared fear brain not big enough

pulse out blow up dooms boom gwant shroom psychedelic boom

breaks the glass melt the ice renew your thought path process sewer lines of your mind

trapped in everyday trapped in the future past values mom and dads ideals?

burn them down plant grass your grass grow yourself in your mind internally go out

doom bad evil scary wrong to build from out in external pain external lies egos sun filthy games by our self

play with our self lie cheat squeeze tempt ourselves bet motivate inspire crown ourselves each other

can we be?  can i be and exert perfectly what i be?  can i be solid resolute firm throughout?

can i be one?  or is there 2 three 4 negative nine and sixteen involved as well?

0s and 1s?  yes no on off simple no neutral just here or there YES OR NO

ballast control stablize red foam slurping logic vaccuuming experiences collaging your life

dreams beams pipe screams green fiend tabletop beans songs from my grandfather father father byond father

this life is byone your father this life is you beyond you is you fuck you beyond you and find YOU.

cut yourself off cut it out become renew fucks sake BECOME

in this moment grow future tomorrow forever away now today beautiful every way

ham scams vans bam grams in every way do i love that

positive negative plus minus oh well life goes on

singular moment than its gone 1 than 2 seconds fly us by please notice the time

as it pass by our minds caught up in what the future beaming future destiny armageddon oh no so scared!

no not scared petrified logic is petrifying research government conspiracies theories conclusions-are scary

me i you love sex fingers dancing singing screaming jumping skipping playing catching yelling enjoying life SMILING

exert that smile positive in positive out happy in smile out beam yourself know that people notice you know that the smile is important know that we want to see happiness know that happy is better than sad happy is the goal positive is all the way life is grand if we try to enjoy every second of it be becoming all the time fact is once you become- your done.  so be becoming all the time have fun-than die.


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